Monday, May 26, 2008

Doing something constructive

I am a mechanical and aerospace engineer just a few years out of college, so when it comes to technology, I have a strong educational background. I am also pro-technology and anti-Neo Luddite, which is why I have such a strong hatred for what passes as the environmentalist movement today. The extremist environmentalist movement today consist of two factors:

1). the 'if we only had renewable solar power/wind power instead of dirty old coal and nuclear' environmentalist

and worse

2). the 'Americans are greedy and selfish and we should use less resources' environmentalists.

A sub faction of #2 substitutes 'Americans' with 'humanity' and believe the world would be better off without humans. I suggest these bunch set the example and commit suicide. But back on subject. For years, I'm been enraged at environmentalist extremist that refuse to listen to reason or consider the prospect that they might be wrong and so much so I have flamed eco-whacho sites. But at the behest of a close friend of mine, I'm not going to flame. Instead I'll hurt these environmental extremist where it matters: by telling the truth and debunking their BS.

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