Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Operation drill bit

Started by radio talk show host and DJ Todd Schnitt of the Schnitt Show, Operation Drill Bit is a campaign to let Congress know that Americans support the drilling of domestic supplies of oil. The campaign is to mail drill bits to your local congressman and two state senators to their Washington D.C. offices as well as the presidental candidates Barack Obama (to me, a waste of time because of his far left viewpoints but you're welcome to try) and John McCain (who has express his desire not to drill on ANWR but will be more likely to be swayed to appeal to the conservative base of the Republican Party). Mailing out petitions is better than internet petitions because its would be too easy for just a handful of people to fake a successful online petition drive, and the results are in doubt. I believe, most of all, this would be in the best interest of the nation for as many people as possible to take part in this drive. For the last three decades, the only voices hear on environmental issues are the fringe elements and their falsehoods and it's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease especially in the Beltway.